

Halloween Photos

Hope your final day of October 2009 aka Halloween was a good one!  I’m participating in Brenda’s Photo Challenge as well as showing our photos off over at 5 Minutes For Mom.  We took the children to a Trunk or Treat event last Sunday at a church close to our home but actually spent tonight playing games, having a family party of sorts.  We’re not huge fans of the spooky aspect of this holiday but definitely enjoy dressing up!  And we wear our costumes and dress up accessories year-round!  Even our little guy got caught up in the fun and allowed me to put a disco afro wig on his head for all of 2 seconds.  Long enough for the photo. Boo crew_Page_0


My Cozy Nook

I recently wrote about being inspired to create a place of my own in a corner of our living room. After working on it for a few days, I am ready for the reveal…ta da!!! 7566aIn the previous picture, while the room was still in progress, I had a dark brown vintage basket holding some of my framed photographs. As much as I love that basket, it was too large and took up too much space on top of the table. I also changed out the tea set from an Asian one to a floral teapot and cup that fit in better with the other accessories. Along with my drawing of a lady, there’s a cream dove hanging by ribbon from the mirror, cream wire and bead candle holders, a small floral suitcase with a purse picture frame on top, a stack of trays under the lamp, my Bible in front of several “Victorian Christmas” books, card & letter writing supplies on the shelf below, and all of my decorating magazines and binders on the floor. I am going through all of my photographs to see which ones would look best on the walls, but for now I have a feminine area of my own to curl up in with a steaming cup of goodness while I read or write or watch the television. Sheer bliss.


Secondhand Treasures

There’s a Frugal Fashionista Fashion Show going on at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam today, showcasing fabulous secondhand finds.  Here are some of my secondhand treasures:

I found these shoes at a thrift store yesterday for $6.00, perfect for my upcoming 10th anniversary party.  Pointy-toed shoes are my favorites, and I usually have a difficult time finding anything pretty for my size 10 feet.  I love the rhinestones details and the $85.00 original price tag on the bottom of the shoes.                                       75787574 I have had the most success finding clothing for my daughter.  The top was $2.00 and the skirt was $1.25.                                             75847585Thankfully, she likes dressing up, as I always seem to find dress clothes for terrific prices.  These dresses were in great condition and cost $2.00 each.                                                   7591 7593 These shrugs can be worn with dresses or with pants for a more casual look.  The pink one was $2.00 at a thrift store, but I splurged a bit more on the white one at a consignment store, paying $10.00 for it.  My daughter wore it with her Easter dress and will get many more uses out it, so it was worth the “hefty” price. And it was so pretty…                         7587 7598 Here’s my princess in her brand new with tags $3.00 thrift store dress (navy blue with satin trim) and shrug, all dressed up for Easter!Easter 2009 Easter 4 And my son, also dressed for Easter, in a $2.00 dark navy suit from the thrift store.  The tie and shirt combo were purchased new but on clearance for $4.00. 

Shopping at thrift stores can be such a fun adventure, since you never know what you will find.  It can be frustrating if you’re looking for something specific, but with an open mind, you may find something even better than you originally wanted to get.  That’s often been my experience.  And I have been blessed beyond measure at the wonderful finds at bargain prices.     



Being grateful can make such a difference in our lives. Been in a kind of personal slump recently but read an article that reminded me that I have a lot to be thankful for in my life. I wrote about being Thankful and will mark Thursdays as a day to stop. And remind myself of God's blessings.


A Place of My Own – Work In Progress

The lighting is all crazy in the photo, but I wanted to give a quick glimpse into the makings of my cozy corner.  I even left a pile of papers on the floor, oh my, and the ragged edges of the curtain (also a work in progress) show in order to be more real.   Smile.  The reveal will be all the more dramatic because of the current mess.  Ok, back to work!  I hope to show the finished spot later today.  Hurray!

A Place of My Own

Wendy at The Shabby Nest had a wonderful post about creating a place for yourself, to unwind, be inspired, daydream, etc. The bathtub used to be that place for me in previous homes when there were multiple bathrooms and deep tubs to relax in. But I haven't had "my space" for about two years...until today! Inspired by her post and desperately longing for a spot of my own, I hauled my gorgeous freecycled dark wood table that was buried under boxes in the dining room (we're still unpacking) and created a cozy nook in the living room.

This corner contains several of my treasures: a vintage picnic basket, a tray with my oldest tea set, some candles, my correspondence box and the softest white blanket hugging the back of the leather chair. Pictures to come.

I am so pleased and soothed inside. Haven't been able to write much in recent days due to inner turmoil. So much going on. But now I have a feminine spot. To unwind in and to process. To have a cup of tea and to read. My Bible, which I have not been as faithful in reading, which will really help bring comfort and peace. To write, something that is so necessary to me. To create, which brings such delight. And to hold my precious ones. Moments spent with my arms wrapped around them are some of the sweetest in my life.

Do It Yourself Day: Pumpkin Topiaries & Framed Drawing of A Lady

I still had a few smaller pumpkins laying around, purposeless and placed here and there. Not a big fan of randomness, I saw the potential impact they could have grouped together. Out came the glue gun.

After popping off the plastic stems, I glued them together to create pumpkin topiaries. Thought about trying to dress them up with ribbon or leaves, but they are a rustic blend of colors with two that are beaded, so I left them as is. Though white pumpkins are gorgeous and so versatile, I have a soft spot for the original orange. Look what I came across the other day in a box of frames packed away! This was the last drawing I did prior to having children, and I’d forgotten all about it. Next to it is the postcard image I based my drawing on, but my lady’s personality revealed itself and some adjustments to her face and expression were made. Well, it’s time for this lady to be dusted off and featured somewhere prominent! As well as my drawing pencils… well, dusted off but not featured. I’ve been wanting to do a huge portrait of one of my wedding pictures, and our 10th anniversary is in three weeks. Yikes!


Autumn Pear Mini Muffins

My house smells so yummy from all of the autumn pear muffins I made! My kids kept asking when they were going to be ready, and I got the official thumbs up from my son after he tasted them. The pear muffins came out with a subtle flavor, not too sweet. I added mini chocolate chips to the second batch which was a yummy alternative too. Read more about them and the recipe here.


Fall Wreath with Fruit & Flowers

I’ve seen some gorgeous wreaths in blogland recently, and it made me long to have one of my very own. An inventory of things in my craft bin plus a trip to the Dollar Store gave me the materials for this project.

I purchased a round styrofoam wreath circle at the Dollar Store and painted it an antique gold color with craft paint. Next I looped sparkly gold and sage ribbon around it to have places to tuck in the flowers and fruit accents. In the final outcome, you can’t really see the ribbon except for the side view. I hot glued the fruit and flowers onto the wreath randomly, though trying to keep some sense of balance on each side.

I found this neglected plate hanger (purchased from the Dollar Store a few years ago) and thought it’d add dimension to the wreath project. I wrapped an old flower garland loosely around the plate hanger for greenery and to soften up/cover some of the black wire. The bottom of the wreath circle slipped right into the second hanger and kept it fairly secure. I glued more floral bunches and fruit onto the plate hanger to match the wreath circle. The final outcome…

Isn’t it beautiful? I am SO PLEASED! I LOVE that it’s not just a circle shape. It works really well both on the front door and in the house because of its length and fullness. Sometimes I move it from the front door to the back of the door when we close it just so I can see it from inside. In the past every wreath I attempted came out kind of plain and I never kept them for long. But this one has fulfilled my longing for a scrumptiously unique homemade wreath. My Fall dreams are truly coming to fruition (giggle)… Another look:



Acorn Intervention & Make-over

These acorn twins were desperately in need of a make-over.  Peering into a clearance bin at Ollie’s, their disheveled appearance couldn’t hide the cuteness potential.  Poor things, their leaves were crumpled and the pinecone accessories all tangled up.  Potted acorn orphans – I had to get involved.  And at 49 cents each, I knew I’d get a huge return on my investment.  Acorns make me smile.         

                    BEFORE I painted the terra cotta pots with craft paint in an antique gold color and hot glued more leaves to the base.  After detangling the branches and a quick fluff, they were ready to join the party with the other Fall decor items.

                    AFTER  acorns_Page_0I was very excited to score one of the coveted Dollar Store white ceramic pumpkins!!!  Contented sigh.  The rich colors, variety of textures, and the cheapness of it all brings me to a happy place.