

A Glimpse of Our Christmas Tree

Though I've been quiet on the blog front, this season's flurry of activities has kept me busy in a pleasant and enjoyable way. With two boys sharing a birthday right after Christmas, I put up our tree the week before Thanksgiving to extend our enjoyment of it.
WARNING: We have stepped even further away this year from traditional decor. Our tree is white (gasp!), and we have a lot of purples, pinks, and teal colors. Without further ado, here are some elements of our tree and Christmas decor:
This angel is a tree topper from my childhood. I like to feature her in her own display, not hidden on the top of our tree where she's not as easily seen.
A thoughtful friend gave us this ornament and several Christmas items as a wedding present.
The ballet slippers were my daughter's ornament from several years ago, and the sparkly boots are for this year, to highlight her interest in fashion design. Every year we give the children a meaningful ornament, with the date written somewhere on it. It is so precious to go back over the memories as the ornaments are unwrapped or to hear the kids squeal when they see them hanging on the tree., "Remember when...!"
This year a sparkly dragonfly and several butterflies made their debut on our tree. As a matter of fact, our tree topper is a big red butterfly!
And to celebrate our win at the Inner Harbor Scavenger Hunt as the Baxter Buccaneers, I put a pirate eye patch on our tree. It goes rather nicely with the glittery pink snowflake, don't you think?
I'm linking up to Friend Making Mondays at Amber's blog - go take a tour of the various Christmas decorations featured there and make some new friends in the process!!!


  1. I love your tree! I love the non traditionals style and colors! We did that last year we had hot pinks teals limes and blacks on our tree! This year is aqua hotpink & silver! Have a great day & Happy FMM

  2. I love the brightly colored snowflakes on your tree. We buy meaningful ornaments for our kids every year too. I think it's a wonderful tradition and the kids look forward to it. THanks for sharing.


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