

Beautiful Bag Adorned With Petals and Vintage Brooch

When I saw this tutorial from Jessica at Happy Together on U create for Petals Galore, I knew I had to make one for my daughter. My version is made from a Dollar store purse, a bag of white petals, a vintage brooch and hot glue. I was so eager to start the project that I neglected to take a before picture of the purse. It's called a "skirt" purse with light blue fabric and a denim band at the top.
Starting at the bottom or the "hem" of the purse, I hot glued the petals, overlapping them slightly. I did one side of the purse first, then flipped it over. The final step was gluing a ribbon band at the top and a vintage brooch where the ends of the ribbon meet. The purse was a dollar, the bag of petals were a dollar at the thrift store, and the vintage brooch was something I had. I will be making a bunch more of these - they are so easy to make yet turn out so beautifully. I love how the petals dress up the purse. So soft and romantic and absolutely lovely. This was the perfect gift for my daughter's birthday! Check out Jessica at Happy Together - she has amazing tutorials and fantastic ideas. It turns out that we both grew up in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia! It's DIY Day at A Soft Place To Land, Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family! and Show and Tell at Blue Cricket Design. Check out the amazing creativity featured there and visit the numerous links for inspirational ideas!
DIY Day @ ASPTL Photobucket


  1. I think I'm in love! This is super cute!

    Thanks for taking part in Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family! Don't forget to come back next week!

  2. Your purse turned out great! Very creative.
    Have a wonderful week.

  3. This great purse is going to be featured tomorrow at the Talented Tuesdays link party at My Frugal Family!

    Please feel free to stop by the blog and pick up a "Featured At" button!

  4. That is really pretty. Love it! I think something like this in all red would be great to take on date night with the hubby : )

  5. I absolutely adore it! It's beautiful :) Thank you for letting me know you made it and for the link back.


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