

"Get Your Face On" Party & Make Up Tips

I've had so much fun preparing this post for Beth's Get Your Face On Party!  I'll share make-up tips along the way and some excellent resources at the end.  Please say hello to...

my naked face.   
My make-up routine is to first wash. tone. moisturize.

1.  Concealer for blemishes, blended in gently  
2.  Liquid foundation, also blended in gently (I use a triangle shaped sponge.)  
3.  Face powder to set the make-up (I use loose powder at home and pressed powder for touch-ups.)
A light, neutral color all over the lids.  Why the powder blotches under my eyes???  A tip I picked up from a make-up artist: the powder "catches" any eyeshadow that falls from the brush and prevents color smudges.  After you finish your eye make-up, brush the excess powder away.

I used a dark brown pencil eyeliner around my eyes, smudged it with a small sponge applicator, then used brown eyeshadow over it to soften the look.

Curling my eyelashes makes a huge difference.  Mine are long but very straight.  They wouldn't be as visible even with mascara on if I didn't curl them.

I finish my eyes with black liquid eyeliner across the top lid.  
Next is blush, then I line my lips with a lip pencil.  It defines my mouth and keeps the lipstick contained within the borders.
 For long lasting lip color, I also fill in my lips with the pencil before applying lipstick. 
Lipstick as the finishing touch!  Voila!
The final look:
Depending on my mood, I like to vary my look.  Back to the naked face.
This time, I am going for a smoky eye using a plum eyeliner and eyeshadow, with a dark grayish-black color in the crease plus my signature black liquid eyeliner across the top lid.
Since there's so much drama with the eyes, it's good to keep the lipstick more neutral.  
This final look is the opposite, with toned down eyes and a bold lip color.
A few tips and tricks:
1.  Always blend in your make-up gently - don't rub your face or eyes.  A make-up sponge works really well to apply foundation and blend it in so that you don't get it all over your hands.  And an eyeshadow brush (not the applicators that come with eyeshadows) is a really helpful tool for blending.

2.  Don't draw harsh lines (on eyes or lips).  With a light touch, slowly line them with short strokes adding more as needed.

3.  For good mascara coverage, I like to hold the wand in front of my eyelashes and slowly blink several times.  Instead of moving the wand, my eyelashes are doing the work.  They end up looking fuller and it also helps curl them.

4.  As far as make-up rules, there are no make-up rules!!!  The most important thing is learning how to apply the various elements well, and that takes practice.  My two favorite make-up gurus are on opposite sides of the spectrum in their philosophy.  Kevyn Aucoin has several over-sized books that can be found at the library detailing transformations and a more dramatic style of make-up.  He passed away a few years ago, but he was undeniably a major influence in fashion and the art of make-up.  Bobbi Brown has numerous books out also that teach make-up application.  Her style is more natural and classic.    

5.  Another author I recommend is Lucy Beale, who wrote "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Better Skin."  The book has great information regarding skincare and the numerous products out there.  It also breaks down the various make-up brands/companies.

More tips, techniques, etc. again soon - this has been a blast and a trip down nostalgia lane!  It's been years since I did any modeling or acting, but I have a lot more to share!!!  And how to pose and be more natural in front of the camera - I think I've come across a minefield of inspiration!

Thanks, Beth, for hosting another fabulous party!


  1. What fun - thank you for taking the time to share three different (all fabulous) looks. You won't see me participating - too old to go bare on the internet :-)

  2. Gorgeous, I love how your eye just pop~~~~~

  3. I love how you did your make-up. Thank you for sharing!

  4. So many good tips! Your coverage is so great with so many cute freckles in the before picture :)

  5. Oh my Lord girl you ROCKED this post! My tricks are few and far between and I struggle with my eye makeup so this was great. THANK YOU for linking up! You look gorgeous.

  6. Your makeup is beautiful!! Love your color choices!!!!

  7. Your tips are great...I love that powder tip on the cheeks...I am always wiping off bits of eye shadow that fall on my cheeks, and then I have to reapply the powder to cover up the shimmery I will def. be using this tip! I never can seem to get my eye liner just always looks like a preschooler put it on me...I guess I just need practice!

    You look absolutely beautiful in all of your pictures...I like how you showed different looks!

    Blessings, Grace

  8. Very pretty, Miki, and a 3 for 1 deal, too! Love the purple liner look. Thanks for sharing your tips!

  9. How fun! I love that you did more than one look!
    Gorgeous, all!

  10. I'm not in the party...I am just visiting from Beth's blog!! You have the most amazing eyes. I can see why and how you have so much fun with different looks. I have gotten lazy with eyeshadow and liner and you have inspired me. You really are beautiful!


  11. How fun! I really like the plum color eyeshadow on you!

    Great tips!

  12. You are insainly beautiful. Your eyes are to die for. Thanks for sharing.

    Cha Cha

  13. MMMMAZING! Thanks for sharing! I posted a smokey eye Tutorial as well!

  14. Way to go! Thanks for sharing more than one look! I linked up too!

  15. I love the totally different looks. I do the same boring stuff every day. Your look great!

  16. Hi Miki! Wow! I have only JUST heard about this, and wish I had known sooner! I really admire the bravery of ALL the participants in this event, and I LOVE all the makeup tips you shared today! Love that black eye liner/purple eye liner combo! VERY pretty, and it was VERY nice to meet you today! ~tina

  17. Girl, your eyes are gorgeous! So very pretty! Can I ask what the brown eye shadow you used was? I really like it. I too love Kevin and Bobbi Brown. Have read all of her books! Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. Um, yeah, can you come over to my house and do my makeup?? :) You have the most beautiful eyes, and seem so confident in makeup application. I love ALL of your pictures!

  19. Hi Miki!

    You are so beautiful! What incredible eyes and lips you have. I loved seeing your looks!


  20. I love your step by step pictures. One do you get the wingtip at the end of your eyeliner? I use liquid eyeliner and love it but can never get my wingtips to look like yours. Please share a photo or directions to that part.

  21. I love all the pictures! You have amazing eyes and the best lips! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  22. You have beautiful cheekbones & freckles! I love freckles...and your eye makeup & lipstick is WOW!

  23. The three looks are great - and you wear each one equally well! Thanks for braving it all and sharing your lovely face and helpful tips. :-)

  24. Love all the looks and even the tips on the different books.


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