

Birthday Thoughts

©Joy Prescott |
Today is my 39th birthday, woo hoo!  It's been a low-key day, starting off with a light drizzle outside that turned into a raging snowstorm late afternoon. 

Inside, the work of unpacking and setting up a cutie home continues.  Two pendant lamps that were given to me needed a home.  One secured a spot above my vanity area, while the other still remains homeless.  I have some fantastic fabric I got on clearance at Walmart to cover them with - oh, I can't wait to get back to creative projects!!!  I am definitely going to keep my sewing machine unpacked and close by.  There are pink curtains to finish and lots and lots of knee patches to salvage my active boy's pants!  A naked Easter Egg tree and a crystal egg are the only decor out and about.  Scandalous!

Is there anything I want at 39???  Besides these cardboard boxes out of my house and a live-in maid and cook?  Nope, what I want cannot be found in a store.  I want peace in my heart, joy in my home and s-t-a-b-i-l-i-t-y.  Beyond that, I am excited about the approaching 4-0. 

I have looked forward to turning 40 ever since I was in my twenties.  Sounds a little crazy, I know.  Maybe it's because I've always felt older than my age.  I've seen and experienced a lot in my life, and it's made me want to bypass the fluff to get to what really matters.  Rose-colored hues turned to a jolting black & white early for me.  

40.  I believe it's when a woman reaches a certain peak in her life of Security.  Stability.  Knowing her own mind.  Being less apologetic.  Speaking with authority and confidence and grace.  To me, a woman is incredibly beautiful at 40.  The gentle lines on her face speak of knowledge, experience and living.  There's a vulnerability and strength there, a lioness versus a cute cub.  And it gets better from 40 on.  So I will celebrate every day of being 39, enjoying the path that leads me to 40. 

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