

Woo Hoo! Wednesday: Hat Cookies

Always Nesting
Inspired by this post for Easter Bonnet cookies by Bakerella, I made my version for a Women's Clothing and Purse Exchange at my church.  I am well aware that mine don't look a lot like the original...  I have come to a place of acceptance and peace that the projects I undertake don't often look as good as the original.  I have a tendency to do too much versus not enough, restraint and minimalism not being a part of my make up.  And I am okay with this realization!
For my Hat Cookies, I used a recipe for Sugar Cookies by Martha Stewart.  Knowing that the cookies would be extra sweet with all of the frosting, I used 1/4 cup sugar instead of the 1 cup in the recipe.  Each hat is made from two cookies - a thinner, larger one for the base and a smaller, thicker one for the top, so I doubled the recipe also.  To cut out the two circles, I used a plastic piece from the top of our Vitamix for the smaller one and a Japanese tea cup for the larger one.  They were what I found in my kitchen that had the right proportions for the hats.
The glaze for the cookies is a Powdered Sugar Icing (minus the corn syrup, since I didn't have any.)  The funky chartreuse color came from a box of Neon Food Coloring.  I was trying for a fashionable green...  After drizzling the glaze over each hat cookie, I placed them on a cookie tray and stuck them in the freezer to set.
The decor on the hats comes from a jar of vanilla frosting and sprinkles to accessorize.  White for the hat band along with pink and purple flowers (also colors from the box of Neon food dyes.)  My apologies for the smooshed white circles on top of the hats -  I forgot to take pictures until after I removed the foil for transport in the rain.  I can't wait to try this again, maybe a square cookie on the bottom for a graduation party.  The cookies were quite yummy!  And that counts just as much as their cuteness.


  1. Miki, those cookies are beautiful!! They are perfect. I'm so glad you linked this project to Woo Hoo! Wednesday.

    Sorry for any trouble you had posting. I've been fighting with linky and can't get the instructions to post as they are in linky. I've just given up, it's not the biggest deal in my life today :)

    Honored you are here sweetie. Hugs, Marla

  2. Those are too pretty to eat...made my way here from Miss Marla's Woohoo Wed @ Always Nesting...

  3. Adorable! These are perfect for Mother's Day. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Those are great! What a wonderful idea!

  5. Woohoo too Cute! And I bet the church ladies loved them!


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