

A Peek at the Pink & Black French Fashion Bedroom and Other Projects

The bedroom of my tween daughter's dreams is Pink. Black. French. Fashion. Oh, and with Poodles.  Here are a few of my projects:
I purchased the black curtains (two panels with the valance attached) and hot pink sheers on mega clearance at a Kmart going out of business. My daughter picked out the ribbon at Michaels, and I hot glued it along the edge of the valance...isn't it cute?!?
Also with hot glue, I wrapped fabric that I already had on hand around two pillows and attached ribbon and a boa to hide the seams.  After haunting Craigslist forever, I snatched up a hot pink sphere chair for half price that houses these pillows.  
A plain canopy from her toddler days got some pizzazz added to it with ribbons and trim.
Still a work in progress, a lamp (also from her toddler days) is being revamped...the gingham base needs to be covered over with something more va va va voom.  Something less baby and more "sophisticated tween."  (Whatever that is. Smile.)
My oh-so-very-cool older brother gave me two Persian rugs right before I moved that serve as the inspiration pieces for the living room and master bedroom.  The colors in the rug below (hanging above the bed in place of a headboard) are more golden and teal vs. forest green.  I just happen to have teal and gold embroidered curtains to match and also the ornate candleholders (below) that are hanging on either side of the rug.  The candleholders are actually very light and made out of plastic...and I think they cost 49 cents on clearance at a thrift store.    
I re-covered this hanging lamp with fabric and trim (yes, hot glue again!), and these are the colors of our living room.  Lots of white (since we can't paint the walls in our rental), with dark brown furniture and lamp bases, sheer curtains to let in a lot of light, touches of sage green, a hint of red, and gold from several significant framed art pieces.   
This is one of my favorite touches...these vintage glass door knobs are from our 1940's Cape Cod cottage that I still miss.  A lot.  Sigh.  I kept an original window and these knobs when we updated the windows and doors.     
These are a few of the projects I've been working on since the Big Move.  Please stop by for some more to be showcased soon!  


  1. First off love that snazzy bedroom goods. I also loooove the idea with the door knobs and such.

  2. MIKI!!!!! I'm so glad to see you back in blogville! I love all you've done in your new place.

    I'm sure your 'tween' is loving her adorable bedroom goodies. Wait, I shouldn't say adorable and tween in the same sentence. I've raised 3 girls, I know better :)

    Oh, those knobs - my heart be still. I can only imagine the doors they were attached to.

    If you cover another lampshade I'd love detailed directions. I'm old, the more info the better. I want to try covering a shade one of these days.

    I'm so glad you linked to Woo Hoo! Wednesday to join the fun. Big Hugs, Marla

  3. Congrats on the big move and it's fun to see what you've been working on! I've missed you!

  4. Miki! How fun! Thanks for sharing. Thank you for following Ordinary Inspirations. Come back as often as you'd like.


  5. Everything looks great! I enjoyed the pictures.

  6. My tween daughter loves it all! It looks great!


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