

Inspired by Yellow

Some friends and I went to see "Knight and Day" last week,and one of my pals couldn't stop gushing about the yellow dress Cameron Diaz wore in the film.  She wanted to run right out and shop for the perfect yellow dress.

I have never owned a yellow dress.  Ever.  Come to think of it, a yellow anything.  'Cause I'm half Japanese, and yellow is not flattering if you have an underlying yellowish tint to your skin.  But if I could wear yellow, here's a sampling of what I'd choose...

Vintage-inspired dresses are fabulous.  I could see wearing this with heels, flats, a cardigan on a cooler day, and with slacks underneath (one of my favorite ways to wear a shorter dress!)
Image by Tshahel

A romantic dress in pale yellow, so dreamy!  I changed into a dress similar to this for my wedding reception.  A Bulgarian fashion designer and I collaborated on the dress, and she whipped it together right before my return to the States!   It was light and airy, just perfect for the amount of dancing we had planned for our reception.

Smocked, empire waisted dresses are practically a staple in my wardrobe!  This shorter length with the layers of fabric is a must have for sure.  This dress may convert me to wearing yellow, even if I have to endure a spray tan or do whatever to look great in it!

Lilah, dear, this post is for you!

1 comment:

  1. So when are we going shopping for my yellow dress???? Thanks for the blog about it! Didn't we have a great time at the movies? I know it was a stretch for you with Tom in it ;)


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