

From My Mother...

One of my favorite pictures of my mother.
Pondering the very different relationships each of us kids had with her.
When I was ten, I was fascinated by two pairs of my mother's shoes.
Pointy-toed high heels made out of snakeskin.
I loved parading around the hallway, lost on an imaginary runway.
So stylish and cool.
My mother and I shared a love of fashion.
She gave me all of her custom made outfits from the late 60s and 70s,
like the suit in the picture above.
She also taught me about jewelry, 
the qualities of various stones and the importance of real gold. 
When I got ears my pierced, she bought me 18K gold earrings.
And she let me wear her star-sapphire earrings to school sometimes.
Birthday gifts usually included a beautiful new piece of jewelry,
a ring with my birthstone, necklaces, brooches.  
A gorgeous watch. 

My favorite photo of my mother and me.
Other things my mother bestowed to me... 

A love of big hair and big sunglasses.
An admiration of Sophia Loren.
(we swore we'd follow her glamizon example into old age),
Her dramatic flair - she was a professional dancer, 
studying traditional dance from the age of three.
(I've had my time on stage and have been in a few films and commercials.)
Black liquid eyeliner skills.
(when I was 16 and officially allowed to wear make-up, 
she gave me a kit and taught me how to properly apply everything.  
She used to give me a new make-up kit every Christmas.)
Ability to Organize and Schedule.
A strong voice and sensitive heart.
Compassion for those less fortunate.
Did I mention a short temper???


  1. What a nice post on your mother. She is very prety.

  2. Your mom was beautiful.

  3. Your tribute to your mom is wonderful! She is a beautiful lady. I am thankful that she passed on her creative skills...that makes me happy. May the Lord fill you with peace and hope. So sorry for your loss. Hugs!

  4. Your mother is beautiful! She truly has passed on some amazing qualities to you. This was a beautiful post!


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