

Friday Photos...Animal Portraiture

The children and I visited the Denver Zoo for the first time, and I decided to "look for the art"  vs. taking numerous photos of the kids squinting at the camera in front of every exhibit.  I have scrapbooks full of those kinds of pics.  There's nothing wrong with them, but my creative energies needed a different sort of expression. 

Presenting "Animal Portraits:"
So very kind of these grizzly bears to give me 
various angles and to hold the poses,
even in the midst of a back scratch.  
Just like a super model.  Amazing.
Loving the head angle, relaxed body language 
and fierce expression.
 Obviously not new at having his picture taken.
Displaying personality is such a key element 
to a great portrait.
You really get a sense of who these creatures are with the way they present themselves.
Fantastic profile shot,
Monsieur Elephant showing us his unique features.
What can you say about action shots?
And group photos aren't easy unless everyone cooperates, like this.
No prima flamingos here upstaging everyone else.
I spent quite a bit of time with these two fellows,
whose looks and personalities seem to be on opposite sides of the spectrum.
Both captured my heart and attention.
Their expressions draw me in and make me want to know more about them.
Finally, this bundle of cuteness 
with his piercing eyes.
Brilliant color against a brilliant backdrop.
It was a gorgeous autumn day for a stroll through the zoo, and the animals wowed me with their
beautiful diversity.  
Definitely, the work of One 
amazingly creative Artist.


  1. Miki, these photos are absolutely delightful and some of the best "wild life" photos I have ever seen. I bet the zoo would like to use them in promotional materials...

  2. Wow, they look like photos out of National Geographic. You are an awesome photographer.


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