

The Bold & Beautiful Blog Review

Greetings!  I'm participating in a very unique blog hop. Gail @My Repurposed Life and MeganDVD @ Beauty in the Attempt are hosting “The Bold and the Beautiful-your blog reviewed."

Please take a look around my blog, check out the layout, pages, buttons,  sidebar and gadgets. I'd greatly appreciate it if you would gently critique my blog as well as leave me some positive feedback. It would be great if you could give me constructive criticism but be sure to tell me what you like about my blog too! Do you like my pictures? Does my blog load quickly for you? How about the font?  All tips and tidbits welcome!

Join the party!  It starts Thursday night and is open for one week.


  1. Hi Miki,

    I love the clean look of your blog. It's easy to find things and it loads quickly.

    My only comment for change is a preference thing. I like the sidebar on the right of the page. I have to work harder to find things when it's on the left side.

  2. Hi Miki..Found you thru the Blog Party. I love the color, cleanness, and simplicity of your blog...I am a new Blogger, so I am no pro. Everything looks great to me. Hope to have you visit...Newest Follower, the Bulldog head, which is not me...

  3. I love reading your blog! And I love pink! You are a talented photographer and your pics are great.
    I have to agree that I like the sidebar on the right side...don't know why...but that's about all!

  4. I really like the clean look of your blog and the polka dots are awesome. I LOVE that you don't have music!!!! Your menu buttons are well placed and easy to see - this is good. I can't think of anything I'd change. Stop by and check out my blog :)

  5. Sweet Miki! I follow your blog, so it lands in my reader with each post. I haven't been to your page for awhile. I am "gently" saying the polka dots on the sides kill my eyes.
    Love the header/banner! and the big 52 is awesome!

    I think it's really important to keep your readers on your page by having your links open in a new window. If you would like info on how to do that, shoot me an email, and let me know if you blog in blogger or windows live writer.

    would love to see a picture and about me on the side bar for those bloggers that just happen to pass through.
    Also, some favorite posts (pics perhaps?) help visitors get deeper into your blog which will get them to come back again.
    Thank YOU so much for joining in our party. I know it's not always easy to put ourselves "out there".
    have a great weekend!

  6. Hi :)
    You have a very cute blog here. I am loving the polka dots! You do a great job on your photos and your posts are fun to read and informative.
    Keep up the good work!


  7. Hello! I found you at the blog hop. I love the clean lines of your blog. I'd like to see some pictures, though!



  8. Hi Miki,
    nice, clean blog. love the polka dots, but would love to see them a bit larger, for tired old eyes like mine.. the small ones tend to blur & distract.
    cya soon... i'm a new fan! :)

    many blessings,

  9. I love your blog (but I think you have already made some changes because of previous comments about polka dots). Your photos are wonderful.

  10. loads very quickly....loving the follower tag and you popular posts are very easy to navigate!

    I think you have a beautiful blog and I'm looking forward to looking around more :)

    If I were give one tiny tip, it would be to dial down your exposure just a tad on your photos. They are a bit overexposed and readers would be able to see a lot more detail if you were down a notch or two on your exposure.

    and speaking of are beautiful...loving the photo of you in the about me :)

  11. Hi- over from the blog hop... I think your layout is great. Easy to read and navigate and your profile pic is lovely, but for some reason your profile write-up is hard for me to read... maybe a little larger font or sans there?

    Other than that- Bravo!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment! I enjoy hearing from you!