

No Red Today = Grumpy

After three days of bright and beautiful lips, I fell off the (red) wagon and decided to not put forth the effort today.  And I was grumpy.  

I didn't put forth effort for myself today.  And at the end of the day, I felt frustrated and put out and yucky.  

So the moral of the story and the reason for the red take time for myself first thing, make the effort to feel prepared for the day, even a bit glamorous so that the day is off to a better start.  That's the outside - spending time with God in prayer and reading the Bible gets the inside ready...and I must make that a priority too, daily.     

What do you do to start your day off successfully?

1 comment:

  1. love the idea of this. discipline to keep it up.. which for me, is hit & miss! ;) here's to the effort!


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