


Day 3 

I like numbers and patterns. Never had a favorite color but like color combinations. And I enjoy recalling significant moments:

Age 0 - I was born in a bright pink hospital on top of a hill in Hawaii. If that isn't an auspicious start, I don't know what is!

Age 10 - Rode my 1st roller coaster with my dad and received several significant books from a family friend, including Mandy by Julie (Andrews) Edwards. This story of a 10 year old orphan longing for a place of her own resonated with my heart and gave me a sense of calling in life. 

Age 20 - I committed my life to God. Numerous tragedies had taken place leading up to this year, but He picked me up out of the mess, cleaned me up, and reminded me of His love and purpose. 

Age 30 - Just had my 1st baby and shaved my head bald. The two events are very loosely related, story for another post. 

Age 40 - A new beginning, feeling the most comfortable in my skin. Lots of adventure, "can't" has been erased from my vocabulary. 

Age 50 - The fabulousness continues. Watch out world! Reinvention, the fulfillment of grander dreams. Left my mark in Paris, Venice, and London. 

Age 60 - Dress totally inappropriately for my age, but since 60 is the new 40, I'm reliving my peak all over again. Wear too many rings at one time, just like my Mama did. And what's with the bright lipstick and big hair??? 

Age 70 - I've always wanted to be an eccentric. Another dream realized. Still love loud polyester pants but enjoy throwing Chanel into the mix too. Have to get more pages for the passport. 

Age 80 - No plastic surgery, thank God for great genes and an Asian mother. Decide to take up the Tango, a dance I've not mastered yet. May compete in an Amateur Ballroom Contest - love wearing the dresses. Still look great in them. 

Age 90 - Climbing mountains, maybe literally, definitely figuratively. 

Age 100 - It's been a Beautiful Century (the meaning of my name). It's up to God if He wants me here or there. I'm willing either way. My intention is as this poem describes: 
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave 
with the intention of arriving safely
in an attractive and well preserved body,
But rather to skid into Heaven sideways,
chocolate in one hand,
champagne in the other,
body thoroughly used up,
totally worn out and screaming
"WOO HOO what a ride!"
Author Unknown 
(I tried to discover the author and searched for it - if anyone knows, please let me know!)

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