

Reflections and a Sunset, Adieu 2009

[6726.jpg]I came across these images that I took this summer while visiting my parents.  In the middle of dinner, the sky suddenly turned dark and stormy.  After a brief deluge of summer rain, the skies cleared and made way for a gorgeous sunset.  I’ve spent many moments throughout the years looking out onto the water scene pictured above, pondering life and what the future would hold.  My beloved proposed a decade ago, as a matter of fact, while we were seated on a swing looking at this view.[6711.jpg]

As we bid adieu to 2009, I hope and pray that 2010 is a year of triumph and hope, dreams coming true, wisdom, prosperity, health and wholeness.  A year filled with peace.  Above everything, God is gracious.  He knows our hearts, and He responds to prayers.  He is the only constant in this world, ever faithful and kindAnd He loves us.  From a favorite song by Crystal Lewis… "Know Him well!  Know Him well!”

* All images are a copyright of Miki Baxter Photography and may not be duplicated without permission.


  1. Pretty shots. I wish you a great year to come.

  2. Beautiful photos... wishing you a Happy New Year.

  3. Beautiful photos and a beautiful view point to new years, hope that you are blessed with all that is good.

  4. Amen to that girlfriend and I'm loving your new blog look! Very chic. Blessings!


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