

Allow me to introduce you... Madame Peacock.
Isn't she grand?
I spotted her at Target the day before Christmas.
And knew she had to be mine.
Alas, practicality and my commitment to the Christmas budget prevailed.
"But I'll be back for you!" I whispered,
as I contemplated hiding her behind other holiday decor.
Very early on the cold, rainy day after Christmas,
my daughter and I headed out for the clearance sales at Target.
The crowd of five people lined up at the door caused me no worries.
We calmly walked through the doors and made our way to THE SECTION.
There she was. Undisturbed. Waiting for me.
With tremendous joy I was reunited with the object I'd coveted.
And at 50% off, she was even more delightful.
I made a place for her ON TOP of a thrift store birdcage.
And filled it instead with silver disco ball ornaments purchased also for 50% off
on that fateful morning after Christmas at Target.
Madame Peacock was originally $4.99 and the disco ball ornaments were $1.00 for a pack of two. With 50% off, I paid $3.50 for all of them. And the birdcage pictured above was a thrift store find for $3.00.
Decor Mamma


  1. That bird is so beautiful.... the colors are wonderful.

  2. I have peacock feathers in my powder bath! You can see it here:

    I love them! Your bird is tooooo cute!


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