

Change is in the Air

This is the status quo.
 A subtle change...
 ...or Dramatic Overhaul
 Some questions for you, dear readers:

What topics interest you most in my blog?
Creative projects?  Make-up tips?  Photography?

I would like to create weekly features, establish a more consistent posting routine
and would greatly appreciate your feedback!

Please add any additional comments, advice, or topics you're interested in.
Thank you!


  1. Well, I am of no help really. I love your blog no matter what you are writing about. I think you should blog as you feel led and not worry so much about what you are writing about, as long as it's from your heart!

  2. I totally agree with Barbie.

  3. Agree as well! Whatver the Lord has placed upon your heart-be it something with Him or the creativity He has placed in you! Hugs!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment! I enjoy hearing from you!