

Pay No Attention to the Woman Behind the Curtain...

Though I haven't posted anything new in the last week (yikes! and apologies), there has been a lot going on "behind the curtain."  

School started last week - I homeschool our children and it takes a few weeks to get into the rhythm  of things.  This year I have a 4th grader, a 2nd grader and a "pay attention to me or I will destroy something" 2 year old.  Our days have gotten very full and busy...but I'd have it no other way.

A few sewing projects have been started that I have been too tired to finish...but I am excited to share them once I do complete them!  Soon.

My design accomplice on the East Coast has let me be a long-distance part of a project she's heading, which has been incredibly soothing to my poor, neglected creative soul.  Boo hoo.  Thank God for friends with artistic flair that keep me inspired and on my toes! 

In the meantime, I have been watching a lot of foreign movies.  So much Bollywood... (do you know about Bollywood???  I can't have the word culture in my title without mentioning it.  It's a big part of the film industry of India, and many of the movies incorporate colorful musical numbers and dancing)...that I almost expect a breeze to blow my hair as I walk around in slow motion.  Lol.  Enough British dramas that I think empire waisted dresses are a wardrobe staple (ha!)  And French films.  Paris is calling really is.

On my Ipod, I have been listening to a lot of Disco.  Yup, you read it correctly.  Disco.  I actually like psychedelic polyester bellbottom pants (and own a few pairs).  On my 40th birthday, I want a huge disco party and have been practicing "The Hustle."  Thought you should know this about me.  All this to say, there's a lot going on and the fruits of all of this "cultural inspiration" will be photographed and shared in upcoming posts.    


  1. The Hustle???? Girl, you are definitely the life of the party. Fun, fun, fun. Are you turning 40? You look 20 in your photos.

    Hugs, Marla

  2. Just stopping by to say thanks for your sweet comment. I love your fall leaf background!


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